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safety planning checklist

Safety planning checklist

Documents to Photocopy

  • Passports, birth certificates, Indian/First Nations status cards, citizenship papers, immigration papers, permanent resident or citizenship cards, etc.
  • Driver’s license, registration, insurance papers
  • Prescriptions, medical and vaccination records
  • School records
  • All income assistance documentation
  • Work permits
  • Marriage certificate, divorce papers, custody documentation, court orders, protection orders, or other legal documents
  • Lease/rental agreement, house deed, mortgage documents
  • Bank books
  • Address/telephone book
  • Picture of spouse/partner and any children
  • Important Cards (e.g., Health cards credit cards, bank cards, phone card, Social Insurance
  • Number (SIN) card)

The following are suggestions NOT recommendations on how to navigate such situations.


Cards to Keep in Your Wallet

  • Social Insurance Number (SIN) card
  • Credit cards
  • Phone card
  • Bank cards
  • Health cards

Items to Keep in Your Handbag

  • Keys for your home, car, workplace, safety deposit box, etc.
  • Cheque book, bank books/statements
  • Driver’s license, registration, insurance
  • Address/telephone book
  • Picture of spouse/partner and any children
  • Emergency money (in cash) hidden away
  • Cell phone
  • Extra medications and a list of medications and their dosages
  • A list of all your doctors and their contact information

Items to Keep Handy

  • Emergency suitcase which contains immediate needs or a suitcase that you can pack quickly
  • Special toys and/or comforts for your children
  • Medications
  • Jewelry and items of special sentimental value
  • A list of other items you would like to take if you get a chance to return to your home to collect more belongings later

The following information is adapted from the Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre Peer Support Handbook and the Peel Committee Against Woman Abuse Creating A Safety Plan Booklet