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process of police involvement

Process of police involvement

What Happens if I Involve the Police?

If the police are notified of a domestic disturbance, they will investigate the claim by visiting the residence where the alleged abuse is taking place.

What Happens When the Police Arrive at the Residence?

If there is evidence that either spouse has been assaulted, the police will lay charges as a crime has been committed.

If children reside within the household, the police may also contact Family and Child Services.

The police may also refer you to victim services, community organization or local domestic violence shelters.

The following are suggestions NOT recommendations on how to navigate such situations.


What Happens When Charges Are Laid

After charges are laid, the individual will be arrested and removed from the household.

If charges are laid, the police may seek cooperation from the victims of the assault to collect evidence including:

  • Verbal Statements
  • Threatening emails, text message and letters
  • Clothing
  • Weapons

If you require medical assistance, the police may ask for signed consent to obtain medical information and ask you to allow the healthcare provider to document and photograph any injuries.

What Happens When the Abuser is Released?

If the accused is released, the judge may place conditions which can include a no-contact order, preventing them from contacting the victims of the crime.

If one is afraid for their safety, they can ask the police to notify them when the accused is let out of jail.

One may also ask the police or victims service how to obtain an emergency protection order or peace bond.