other considerations when leaving an abusive relationship
Other considerations when leaving an abusive relationship
Get legal advice about custody of your children and getting a peace bond or restraining order.
Call social services for information on financial assistance.
Open a bank account in your own name and arrange that no bank statements or other calls be made to you.
Consider getting a safety deposit box at a bank that your partner does not go to.
Save and set aside as much money as you can (e.g. Locate a nearby food bank so you can save money on groceries).
The following are suggestions NOT recommendations on how to navigate such situations.
If you have call display on your phone, regularly erase stored numbers.
Check your vehicle for a Global Positioning System (GPS).
Delete history from your computer.
Process of Leaving
Notice what triggers your partner’s violence to predict the next likely incident and give you a chance to prepare.
Hide extra clothing, keys, money, etc. at a friend/family member’s house.
Keep an emergency packed suitcase hidden or handy/ready to pack quickly.
When leaving, take children with you if possible as it may not be easy to do so later on
Additional Considerations
Be aware of any weapons in the home or your partner’s access to weapons.
The following information is adapted from the Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre Peer Support Handbook and the Peel Committee Against Woman Abuse Creating A Safety Plan Booklet