how to safely leave a toxic relationship
How to safely leave a toxic relationship
Create an emergency escape plan for you and your children.
Decide where can you go that is safe (e.g., Shelter, Family Member or Friend’s Home) and how you can get there (e.g., taxi, bus or walk)?
Create a list of important number (shelters, police, crises lines, counsellors, etc.) and keep it handy.
Tell your neighbors you would like them to call police if they hear fighting or screaming.
Create a code word with your children/ family/ friends so they know when to call for help.
Identify emergency exits and teach them to your children.
Find a safe place to house any of your pets (e.g. pet shelter or family members home).
Go over safety plan with friend or counsellor and review it often.
The following are suggestions NOT recommendations on how to navigate such situations.
The following information is adapted from the Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre Peer Support Handbook and the Peel Committee Against Woman Abuse Creating A Safety Plan Booklet