healthy vs. unhealthy relationship behaviors
Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationship Behaviours
Emotional abuse is the most common form of control and CAN often exist in relationships where there is not physical abuse.
The following questions are designed to detect signs of emotional abuse within a relationship.
For each question:
If never is selected (Corresponding to a green flag), then there does not appear to be a potential warning sign within your relationship.
If sometimes is selected (Corresponding to a yellow flag), then there may be a potential warning sign within your relationship. If comfortable, it may be helpful to speak to your partner or a trusted individual (e.g. counsellor).
If always is selected (Corresponding to a red flag), then there appears to be a potential warning sign within your relationship. If comfortable, it may be helpful to speak to your partner or a trusted individual (e.g. counsellor).
The following are suggestions NOT recommendations on how to navigate such situations.
Question #1
Does your partner keep you from seeing friends?
Question #2
Does your partner require you to be home at the hour he/she determines?
Question #3
Does your partner require you to ask who you can see or where you can go?
Question #4
Do you feel you must be careful of what you say so your partner will not get upset?
Question #5
Does your partner call you names like “stupid”, “bitch”, “whore”?
Question #6
Does your partner say that no one else would want you or love you?
Question #7
Has your partner said that he/she would go crazy or kill himself/herself if you leave?
Question #8
Does your partner blame you for everything “bad” or “wrong” in the relationship?
Question #9
Does your partner threaten to tell other untruths about you?
Question #10
Does your partner say you will be hit or hit you if you disagree or don’t obey?
Question #11
Does your partner require you to report how you spend every dollar?
Question #12
Do you work so hard to please your partner you constantly feel worn out?
The following information is adapted from the Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre Peer Support Handbook