disclosing abuse to healthcare providers
Disclosing abuse to healthcare providers
Should I Disclose Abuse to My Healthcare Provider
Yes, if you are comfortable disclosing abuse to your healthcare provider can be helpful. Your healthcare provider can help treat injuries (physical, psychological, etc.) and refer you to community resources which can provide additional support.
Disclosing abuse can also provide context regarding injuries and help healthcare providers with their diagnosis and treatment plan.
If you have serious injuries it is important to go to the hospital and receive appropriate medical treatment. If you are in immediate danger or have life-sustaining injuries, please call 9-1-1.
If I Disclose abuse to My Healthcare Provider, Will It Be Kept Confidential?
Yes, health care professionals have a duty of confidentiality to patients.
However, healthcare professionals are manded to report if:
- Children are involved or in danger Child, Family and Community Service Act
- Abuse against Vulnerable Adults
Can I Request My Healthcare Provider See Me Alone Without My Partner?
Most healthcare providers will allow the patients to choose whether they want their spouse in the room.
If you wish to be alone, but are unable to ask your partner yourself consider:
Reach out to your healthcare provider ahead of the appointment and ask them to request to see you alone.
Discretely speak or write a note to a healthcare ally (ex. Receptionist) and explain the situation.
They can help ask the healthcare provider to request to see you alone.

The following are suggestions NOT recommendations on how to navigate such situations.
The following information is adapted from https://www.thehotline.org/2018/05/31/talking-to-your-healthcare-provider-about-domestic-violence/